为期12天的土耳其伊兹密尔国家交响乐团(İZDSO)中国新年音乐会巡演成功收官。此次巡演覆盖北京、上海、厦门、银川等8个城市,共举办8场音乐会。乐团凭借精湛的演奏技巧和丰富的曲目,为中国观众带来了一场场视听盛宴,为土中两国文化交流与旅游推广增添了浓墨重彩的一笔。巡演得到了土耳其共和国文化和旅游部的大力支持,新年首日,土耳其驻华大使İsmail Hakkı Musa(伊斯梅尔・哈克・穆萨博士)、土耳其驻华大使馆文化旅游处参赞亲临音乐会北京站现场,彰显了土耳其对此次活动的高度重视。
巡演阵容强大,由克罗地亚著名指挥家Miran Vaupotić执棒,他被誉为充满活力且博学的指挥家,曾在全球多个顶级音乐厅演出;巡演的独奏家是国际知名土耳其钢琴家Can Çakmur,他凭借卓越技艺和艺术造诣,屡获殊荣。
土耳其伊兹密尔国家交响乐团的新年音乐会在中国开启巡演之旅,于国内社交媒体上掀起热潮。当下人气爆棚的小红书平台上,与 “土耳其伊兹密尔国家交响乐团新年音乐会”相关的帖子数量超4000条,而受邀请出席的媒体达人所发布的音乐会观后分享,全网累计浏览量更是一举突破两千万人次。
此次新年音乐会巡演别出心裁,通过创新文化旅游推广路径,有效提升了土耳其在华旅游市场的知名度。吸引大量中国观众聚焦土耳其,进一步激发他们对这个国度的浓厚兴趣,点燃了民众前往土耳其旅游观光的热情。一位社交媒体达人在小红书上深情分享:“多年前的土耳其之行至今仍历历在目、回味悠长…… 那些珍藏在记忆深处的美好,竟被这场音乐会悄然唤醒,仿若瞬间重回那个横跨欧亚大陆、充满神秘魅力的星月国度。”
Izmir State Symphony Orchestra's China Tour Concludes Successfully, Boosting Cultural and Tourism Exchange Between Türkiye and China
The 12-day China tour of the Izmir State Symphony Orchestra (İZDSO) for the Chinese New Year concluded successfully. The orchestra performed in eight major cities across China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen, and Yinchuan, etc. With their exquisite performances and diverse repertoire, the orchestra presented a feast for the ears and eyes of the Chinese audience, making a significant contribution to cultural exchange and tourism promotion between Türkiye and China.
The tour received strong support from the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism. On the first day of the New Year, Turkish Ambassador to China, Dr. İsmail Hakkı Musa, and Counselor of Culture and Promotion of the Turkish Embassy in China,attended the Beijing concert, demonstrating Türkiye's high regard for this event.
Music as a Bridge for Cultural Exchange
The Izmir State Symphony Orchestra's China tour, spanning eight cities from southwest to northwest China, has built a deeper bridge of cultural exchange between the two countries through the universal language of music.
As one of Türkiye's most prestigious cultural institutions, the Izmir State Symphony Orchestra, founded in 1975, has collaborated with numerous world-renowned conductors and artists, presenting countless influential performances. This tour, coinciding with the orchestra's 50th anniversary, holds significant historical importance.
Led by the renowned Croatian conductor Miran Vaupotić and featuring international Turkish pianist Can Çakmur, the orchestra presented a diverse repertoire that blended Western classics and Chinese compositions, such as "The Red Flag" and the "Spring Festival Overture." This fusion of Eastern and Western cultures resonated deeply with Chinese audiences.
Innovative Tourism Promotion
The Izmir State Symphony Orchestra's China tour has set a new precedent for cultural exchange and tourism promotion. The tour has significantly enhanced Türkiye's visibility in the Chinese market, sparking a surge of interest among Chinese people to visit the country. Social media platforms, such as Red, have been flooded with posts about the concerts, with a cumulative viewership exceeding 20 million.
As one social media influencer shared, "My unforgettable trip to Türkiye years ago was suddenly brought back to life by this concert. It felt like I was transported back to that enchanting land bridging Europe and Asia."
To boost cultural relations between the two countries, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Türkiye is organizing and supporting cultural events in China. The İZDSO concert is one of the events that the ministry has supported, marking a new chapter in cultural exchange between Türkiye and China. It is expected that more such events will be organized in the future, fostering deeper cultural ties and driving tourism growth between the two countries.
About Türkiye
Nestled between Europe and Asia, Türkiye is a captivating Mediterranean gem where ancient civilizations have left their indelible mark. As a travel destination, Türkiye offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty that has fascinated travelers for centuries.
Türkiye has long been a crossroads of civilizations, resulting in a rich tapestry of cultures, climates, and cuisines. From the historic wonders of Istanbul to the pristine beaches of the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts, Türkiye offers something for every traveler. The country's diverse history is evident in its architecture, cuisine, and traditions, making it a fascinating destination for those seeking to explore the past.
Beyond its rich history, Türkiye is also a vibrant hub for art, fashion, and contemporary culture. The fusion of traditional and modern styles has created a unique aesthetic that is reflected in everything from Turkish carpets and ceramics to the country's thriving fashion scene. Türkiye's dynamic shopping and entertainment scene, combined with its warm hospitality, make it a popular destination for travelers seeking a memorable experience.
Since 2020, Türkiye has implemented a comprehensive "Safe Tourism Program" that has been widely recognized in the industry. This program includes a range of safety and hygiene measures covering a wide spectrum of activities, from dining and transportation to accommodation, ensuring the health and well-being of both industry professionals and tourists.
For more information about Türkiye, please visit: www.goturkiye.com