Passion y Fuego: 上海影城 皮亚佐拉与探戈之旅


5月25日上海影城SHO将于杜比剧场1号厅举办探戈电影视厅音乐会,随着“激情与火焰:皮亚佐拉与探戈之旅”的启航,通过探戈乐团音乐会和探戈电影的形式,观众将踏上一段音乐奇遇之旅,共同进入阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉令人心醉神迷的音乐和探戈迷人的世界。在新世界合奏团 - 上海新星交响乐团的才华横溢的音乐家们的领导下,以及指挥和音乐总监罗伯托·菲奥雷的艺术指导下,这个项目将探索皮亚佐拉标志性作品和探戈音乐的永恒魅力,带给观众难忘的体验。

节目单 – 音乐会时间:80分钟 (70分钟+10休息)

  1. 巴黎再见(阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉,5分钟)
  2. 库帕尔西塔(赫拉尔多·马托斯·罗德里格斯,4分钟)
  3. 孤独(阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉,6分钟)
  4. 波尔特诺的冬天(阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉,5分钟)
  5. 失落的鸟 (阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉,4分钟)
  6. 探戈的历史:1930年的咖啡馆(阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉,6分钟)
  7. 埃斯夸洛(阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉,5分钟)
  8. 恶魔的浪漫(阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉,5分钟)
  9. 阿迪奥斯·诺尼诺(阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉,5分钟)
  10. 埃尔·乔克洛(安赫尔·维略多,4分钟)
  11. 遗忘(阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉,5分钟)
  12. 加德尔 - 为一头马头(卡洛斯·加德尔,4分钟)[仪器曲]
  13. 洛克珊的探戈 - (克雷格·阿姆斯特朗和马里乌斯·德·弗里斯)
  14. 利伯坦戈(阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉,5分钟)

Passion y Fuego:

Music through Piazzolla and Tango

Embark on a musical odyssey with "Passion and Fire: A Journey through Piazzolla and Tango," a captivating project that celebrates the soul-stirring music of Astor Piazzolla and the enchanting world of tango. Led by the talented musicians of the New World Ensemble - Shanghai Nova Sinfonietta and guided by the artistry of Conductor and Music Director Roberto Fiore, this project promises an unforgettable exploration of Piazzolla's iconic compositions and the timeless allure of tango music.

Concert Program

Durantion is approximately 70 minutes + 10 minutes of rest: Total 80 minutes.

1.     Chau Paris (Astor Piazzolla, 5 mins)

2.     Cumparsita (Gerardo Matos Rodríguez, 4 mins)

3.     Soledad (Astor Piazzolla, 6 mins)

4.     Inverno Porteno (Astor Piazzolla, 5 mins)

5.     Los Pajaros Perdidos (Astor Piazzolla, 4 minutes)

6.     Historie du Tango: Cafe 1930 (Astor Piazzolla, 6 mins)

7.     Escualo (Astor Piazzolla, 5 mins)

8.     Romance del Diablo (Astor Piazzolla, 5 mins)

9.     Adios Nonino (Astor Piazzolla, 5 mins)

10.  El Choclo (Angel Villoldo, 4 mins)

11.  Oblivion (Astor Piazzolla, 5 mins)

12.  Gardel - Por Una Cabeza [Instrumental] (Carlos Gardel, 4 mins)

13.  El Tango de Roxanne - (Craig Armstrong e Marius De Vries)

14.  Libertango (Astor Piazzolla, 5 mins)


This is Shanghai Nova Sinfonietta, one of the newest opera groups in Shanghai, founded by the renowned Italian conductor, composer, and associate professor at Nantong University, Roberto Fiore, along with the young musician and orchestra principal Dong Kun, who has been active in China and Shanghai for a long time. The orchestra consists of talented musicians from Shanghai and professional singers who graduated from Italian conservatories. Each musician receives training directly from Maestro Fiore in accordance with the Italian operatic music tradition, dedicated to capturing, sharing, and integrating the profound meaning of each element in Italian music.

The concert will be conducted by Maestro Roberto Fiore, a conductor, composer, and professor with over 13 years of experience in opera conducting across Europe and Asia.

Conductor of Orchestra, Music Arranger

Roberto Fiore是一位意大利指挥家和作曲家。他曾在意大利、阿根廷、波兰、葡萄牙和中国等地指挥和合作过多支乐团。Fiore自2016年起在中国生活,在那里他创办了上海新星交响乐团,并指挥了其他几支乐团。他还是南通大学的教授。Fiore在意大利雷斯皮基音乐学院学习,并后来在罗马和克拉科夫进修。他与世界各地的乐团合作,并凭借其作曲获得了多项奖项。Fiore在阿根廷学习了两年的探戈音乐和阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉的音乐,在那里他举办了许多音乐会。之后,他开始着手进行与探戈和皮亚佐拉音乐相关的众多项目。从2017年到2020年,他在贵州师范大学音乐学院任教。

Roberto Fiore is an Italian conductor and composer. He has conducted and worked with orchestras in Italy, Argentina, Poland, Portugal, and China. Fiore lived in China from 2016, where he founded the Shanghai Nova Sinfonietta and conducted several other orchestras. He is also a professor at Nantong University. Fiore studied at the Respighi Conservatory of Music in Italy and later in Rome and Krakow. He has collaborated with various orchestras worldwide and has won awards for his compositions. Fiore spent two years studying Tango music and the music of Astor Piazzolla in Argentina, where he did many concerts. He then started to work on numerous projects related to Tango and Piazzolla's music. From 2017 to 2020, he taught at Guizhou Normal University's School of Music.


Ivo Martinenghi是一位出色的大提琴演奏家,毕业于米兰威尔第音乐学院,并以优异成绩毕业。他在多个国际比赛中获得胜利,并在管弦乐、室内乐和独奏方面进行了多次演出。Ivo与索尼音乐合作录制专辑,证明了他的卓越才华。除了他的音乐才能之外,他还是一位出色的作曲家,在2019年推出了他的首张专辑《对话》。
安德烈·库德里亚科夫,俄罗斯钢琴家。2014年毕业于俄罗斯萨拉托夫国立音乐学院,2016年毕业于萨拉托夫州立音乐学院并获得钢琴博士学位。 安德烈在许多俄罗斯和国际钢琴大赛(包括希腊、意大利、波兰、中国)中获得大奖,例如,他在2012年莫斯科举办的”俄罗斯青年才俊”全俄比赛中获得第一名。他也是总统奖金获得者。他曾经在俄罗斯和国外巡回演出,并多次和俄罗斯交响乐团合作。安德烈常参加音乐会活动,他在俄罗斯、意大利、波兰、中国和希腊的多个城市举办过独奏音乐会,并且开设讲座和大师班。他还多次担任了在中国举办的国际比赛的评委。